Advice for Every Need

Legal Consulting follow the scientific approach and pursue new insights that can help benefit our clients. We are committed to serving our clients with respect and dedication.

Clear Ethics
We put our clients’ interests ahead of our own to create remarkable outcomes in their financial life.
We are not the biggest company in the industry and it benefits us in a way that we provide efficient, customized and comprehensive service.
Unique Culture
Legal Consulting remains committed to honesty, integrity, transparency and teamwork – ideals our firm was based on.
We adhere strict regulatory standards and employ appropriate securities handling procedures.
Deep Expertise
We never stop learning, improving and growing in order to better help our clients.
Comprehensive Analysis
We examine each area in the context of your current situation and future perspectives, as we know that circumstances have tendency to change.

Frequently asked questions

How Legal Consulting is different?

There are plenty of firms providing financial and investment advice. In fact, it can be challenging to differentiate one from another. Legal Consulting was created from scratch to offer what we consider to be premium financial consulting and tax-aware strategy advice. Our goal is to deliver complex and comprehensive financial, investment and tax-smart solutions, and to do in an ethical and honest way. We’ve built a company that we would like to hire ourselves.
Advice for Every Need

Leglance advisors simplify the complexities. Still have doubts? Drop us a line.