Privacy policy

By using and browsing LegalConsult (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us”, “our” and as the “Site”, “Website” or “Service”), you are agreeing to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, you are not allowed to use or browse this Website and should immediatelyterminate such usage or browsing.

This privacy policy explains how information about you will be collected, analyzed, stored and protected when:

- We provide you or our customers with services;
- You are using "our Website";
- Performing any other tasks that are part of our company's service, as mentioned below in further detail.
Information we collect
We may collect your information in the following situations:

•‎ We will collect or obtain personal data about you in the process of delivering services to you or our customers and carrying out due diligence checks in connection with our services (or addressing potential services that we could provide).
•‎ When you use our website, we can also obtain personal data from you.We can collect or obtain such information because you provide it to us (for example, in a form on our website) or because it is publicly accessible.
• ‎‎We can also collect or receive personal data from you from the way you communicate with us or others, we notice or conclude the data about you. For example, we (or our service providers) can use cookies (small text files stored in a user’s browser) and web beacons, which may collect personal data, to enhance your experience when you use our website and ensure that it works effectively.

The personal data that we collect or obtain may include:

•‎ Identification and contact information (e.g. your name; e-mail address, etc.)
•‎ Information about your lifestyle and social circumstances (for example, when you tell us your story);
•‎ Payment-related information (e.g. your full name; e-mail address; home address; country of residence, postcode, card number, etc.)
•‎ Information that you provided in the context of the services you required us to perform;

Depending on the nature of the services we provide to you or our customers, or how you use our website, the types of personal data and special categories of personal data we collect may differ. Under certain unusual cases, whether you volunteer the data to us or we are obliged to collect the data as a result of legal requirements placed on us, we may also collect other unique categories of personal data about you.
Usage of your information
We will use your personal data in order to provide the requested services to you or our client. As part of this, in the course of communication concerning the facilities, we can also use your personal details. In order to perform due diligence checks concerning the facilities, we can also use your personal details:

• To provide them with guidance about their legal position;
• For a client in the process of performing an audit (or related activity)
• To contact him or her during the success of our services and to keep them aware of the progress of the project or to communicate the results of our projects to them.

In addition to the purposes of our business above, we may also use your personal data collected via our site to:

• Manage and improve our Site
• Customize the content of the Site to give you a more personalized experience and to draw your attention to our products and services that may be of your interest
• Manage and respond to any request through our Website that you submit.
Usage of Cookies
We want to offer our clients customized experience, so LegalConsult uses technology to collect information about the use of the Site and to distinguish you from other users to improve your experience when you browse the Site. Cookies help us with site marketing and optimization and to facilitate tracking and storing your preferences. We may remember your selected language, sessions, and other settings to make your visit more pleasant and easy.

Sometimes we might use external LegalConsult services which may place third-party cookies when navigating the Site, their purposes are for marketing, traffic analysis, and social media sharing, as indicated in the Site.

If you would like to refuse cookies, go to your browser settings to delete or block cookies, or install plug-ins that have this function.
Protection of your personal information
To ensure that we keep your personal data safe, accurate and up to date, we use a variety of physical, electronic and managerial steps. Such measures include administrative and technical controls to restrict access to personal data, technological security measures, including firewalls, encryption and anti-virus software.

Although, once we have received your personal data, we use reasonable security measures, the transfer of data over the internet (including by email) is never fully secure. We aim to safeguard personal data, but we cannot guarantee the protection of the data transmitted to us or through us.
Duration of keeping your information
We will retain your personal data on our systems:

(i) as long as is appropriate for the applicable operation or service;
(ii) any retention period allowed by law; or
(iii) the end of the period during which the services might be subject to lawsuits or inquiries.
Your rights
In relation to your personal details, you have different rights privileges. You have a right, in particular, to:

- Gget assurance that we process your personal information and submit a copy of the personal information we keep about you
- Ask us to update or correct the personal data that we keep about you that you feel is inaccurate or incomplete
- Ask us to delete or limit the manner in which we use the personal data we carry about you
- Receive a copy of the personal data relating to you that you have provided us with
- To object to our collection of personal data relating to you

Please contact to exercise any of your rights or if you have any other concerns about our use of your personal data